Welcome to Pfander
Pfander engages Islam through research, writing, film, informal and formal debates. The primary aim of this website is to provide an environment where we are free to engage the ideas of Islam, by asking questions, presenting material that probes the historical and theological reliability of the Islamic texts, whilst also providing a Christian response to it. We appreciate open debate and discussion with Muslims on important theological and historical themes.
Often, when we find ourselves in conversation with Muslims the authority for that which we are discussing comes up and we are forced to answer the question: “Which is the true Word of God, the Bible or the Qur’an?”
Jay Smith
Pfander Blog
Whether it is yet another breakthrough in the ‘Historical Critique’ research, analyzing the Qur’anic text and its claims, or the recent developments of radical Islam in the west, here is the latest and greatest from our contributors.
Pat Andrews
Dr Pat Andrews has been our most valued contributor and researcher here at Pfander for some time now. Pat is a historian with a particular focus on orientalism and the origins of Islam.
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Latest Articles
Pfander Center exists to highlight the problems within Islam, whether they be theological, historical or cultural in nature, whilst also demonstrating the transforming power of the Bible and the love of Christ. This we do to inform and evangelize our fellow Muslims, but also to equip the Church, so that Christians may be able to better know and critique Islam, whilst also contending for the Christian faith.
Statement of Faith
We affirm the Nicene Creed of 325AD, which you can find here:
We also affirm the Evangelical Alliance statement of faith, which you can find here:
We are currently formulating our own written statement of faith, and this will be published to the Pfander website in due course.