020-Yahweh, great & Omnipotent God vs. Allah, little & distant

Muslims are always attacking the principal that God cannot become a man. They say, however, that God is omnipotent and can do anything. Yet by saying he cannot become a man, they take away his omnipotence, which is an internal contradiction. I think we need to stop telling God what he can or cannot do, imposing our own criteria on him. God’s word tells me that my God, Yahweh, became a man many times throughout the Bible, proving he was big enough to do so. Maybe the Allah of the Qur’an is not big, or omnipotent enough to become a man. If that is what you think, then come on home to a bigger God, Yahweh, who did become a man right at the beginning, walking and talking with Adam and Eve, in the Garden of Eden, and most recently as Jesus Christ!

Published on Dec 3, 2006 by Pfander Films