072-Woolwich Attackers – Why did they do it?
Published on May 24, 2013 by Pfander Media
Everyone now knows about the atrocities which happened outside the Woolwich Arsenal, in London, on May 22nd. Yet, there is much confusion concerning the motive behind their attack. Why did these two young Muslims target a British soldier, why did they cut his head off, why did they then stand around and wait for the police while talking and asking to be photographed by the onlooking public? These actions all seemed odd, if not bizarre. Yet, once you look into the Qur’an you will find support for much of what they did, and why they did it. Jay Smith, who personally knows Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammed and Anjem Choudary, the Muslim leaders who converted and taught one of these men, opens up these Qur’anic passages and shows you that they were following directives from within the Qur’an itself. He then contrasts their actions with those of a Catholic Christian woman, Ingrid Loyau Kennett, who, using Biblical verses confronts the two Muslims to lay down their knives, telling them that they won’t win using violence. Jay shows the contrasting messages we can find when comparing the violence within the Qur’an, with that of peace, even with one’s enemies, an injunction which is unique to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.